When a Superhero Gets Married and Has a Child (Part 1)

I've been meaning to compile this list for a while now, so here goes: generally, giving a superhero a child is a death knell, the ending of a story rather than a continuation of one. Why? Well, nobody really wants to read subplots about changing diapers or waking up at four in the morning due to crying; those things are mundane events that generally people read comics to get away from. And yet some creators can't help themselves sometimes in giving characters kids. Why? Because, after two characters get married, it's the next logical step for them. Heteronormativity says that couples need to have 2.5 children and a picket fence with a dog and a cat, but writers are generally hesitant to give a main character those things and let them stick, because the story has to keep going. There is no "The End" for these characters. So let's look at some examples and what happened after the love and marriage and a baby carriage appears. *** Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryo...