"The Flash" (2023) Review: Making a Hot Mess

A poster for The Flash noticably without the actual Flash How do you begin a review of a movie with this much baggage? I don't really know, so I'm just going to try and keep my thoughts to what was on screen. Anything having to do with, say, the main star of this movie, you probably already know. So let's go. Spoilers, of course, for The Flash . There is a moment in this film where Bruce Wayne (Michael Keaton) is explaining to Barry Allen (Ezra Miller) about how time travel actually works, that time isn't linear. He uses spaghetti as a metaphor, showing that if you change time too much, you get a bunch of cooked spaghetti, some timelines almost parallel, some intersecting, but what you mainly get is a hot mess. How does Bruce Wayne know this? It isn't explained. This entire scene is here to explain why we are getting Michael Keaton instead of Ben Affleck, why we are getting Kara Zor-El instead of Kal-El. It's a handwave, a "Don't worry about it"...